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“Our weeks were filled with uncertainty, confusion and self doubt in the best possible way. It was a pushing cycle of meeting, reading, existential crisis, self reflection and ultimately progress.”

What do we still remember of our childhood and how is it valuable to us today? This group took on this question and retrieved childhood rituals and ways of thinking by taking children’s thought patterns seriously during their conversations and exploring how to nourish and maintain their unbound imaginative world. During their 10 week project they went into conversation with children while treating them with tenderness and respect. As they state themselves: “We caught a glimpse of how they function, how we used to function, how we can function. Our minds went back to these nostalgic places when talking with them (the kids - it sparked a light for thinking and acting differently.”

The project presented a video of their

Video: https://youtu.be/lBhHXdJRp7s