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Just as the high tide of modernity changed the shape of education dramatically in the 19th and early 20th centuries, current times require 21st century research and education to be recalibrated and able to address the challenges of the present and the future. As more and more complex societal concerns, such as climate crises, shifting political landscapes, ecological degradation, changing economic models, migration, and growing inequalities – and their interrelations – press upon us, such recalibration is already proceeding along the lines of an increasing focus on instrumental modes of knowledge, translated into an opposition between the technical, problem-solving sciences, and the creative arts and humanities. RASL’s transdisciplinary research starts from the assumption that a third route is both possible and – in germinal form – already underway: a transition to transdisciplinary transformative education and research practices that generate new forms of knowledge rooted in arts, sciences and society.


Today’s major issues challenge the imaginative abilities of students and researchers: they need to think across spatial scales and in longer timeframes, imagine the interrelatedness of people, species and objects, and be adept at narrating and visualizing what has not yet (fully) materialized. Rather than assuming instrumental knowledge and technical fixes as the sole way forward, this project studies how the combination of the (visual and performing) arts and sciences can provide new forms of knowledge production and solution spaces (transdisciplinary compositions) to reimagine alternative futures and solutions. Transformative knowledge production recomposes local-global matters of concern by drawing on knowledge from diverse sources and seeks collaborations to produce “robust embedded knowledge”. This long-term change in forms of knowledge production will only be sustainable if accompanied by a change in educational practices. The translation and implementation of the RASL research findings for educational practices are therefore an inextricable part of our project.


To address the challenges in research and education, RASL is developing transdisciplinary master’s, bachelor’s, and PHD programmes in the arts and sciences. All educational programmes aim to fully integrate HBO & WO. In doing so, we align ourselves with the recent position paper VSNU-VH ‘doorontwikkeling binair stelsel’ by 
(1) contributing to a more differentiated landscape for higher education,
(2) adding flexibility to individual learning trajectories,
(3) educating highly and diversely talented students,
(4) connecting students to pressing societal issues,
and (5) preparing students for a changing society.

Within this educational framework, RASL education promotes transdisciplinary compositions that engage with – distinct, yet interrelated – contemporary matters of societal concern: (physical and mental) health and well-being, (social and economic) inequality, and the (built and natural) environment. By bridging disciplines with respect and reciprocity, RASL is committed to developing sustainable infrastructures for equity, diversity, and inclusion. That is the way RASL reimagines tomorrow.



Dean Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

“To me, RASL is a window to a new and challenging level of acquiring new knowledges and putting them into practices. Playful, profound, engaged, and creative.”


Third-year dual degree Brazilian music and vocals Codarts and Molecular Biology EUC

“I think that’s the next step for RASL: to fully integrate the degrees instead of having them just next to each other, because I think that connection [between the arts and the sciences] can be even stronger when you actually do a combined degree instead of two degrees next to one another. I believe it would become a very powerful degree to obtain.”


President of the Board of Codarts Rotterdam–University of the Arts

“It is our shared responsibility to address the societal issues we are facing. The RASL partners embody the urgency to develop alternatives within education as we know it. Based on our experiences, transdisciplinary education and research enable us to create this needed change. To further solidify this, we seek to develop a full educational offering comprised of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes. This is how we will make a difference.”


Member of the Executive Board of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences

“The human connection with societal issues results from a research-driven attitude engrained within higher education in the arts. Transitions to new ecosystems have always emerged out of new knowledge practices at the intersection of disciplines and cultures. Such cross-pollinations are beautifully explored in RASL’s innovative programmes, this is the path that emerges at our crossroads.”


Rector Magnificus Erasmus University Rotterdam

“RASL is about societal impact. By transcending current forms of knowledges in the arts and sciences, RASL develops new approaches for investigating urgent matters of concern. This knowledge-based approach brings to the Rotterdam higher education landscape not only innovative research and education but also contributes to what we are all working towards: education that matters.”


Alumna PPE at EUC, student Master Engaging Public Issues at EUR, RASL minor 2019-2020

“I just wish the combination of the arts and sciences could be more integrated in the whole education community. Although I really love what I’m studying now, after the minor, I was kind of sad that arts are not present as much in the humanities, and social- and behavioural sciences curricula at EUR. I hope that there will be more opportunities for co-creation and collective learning in the future.”


Third-year Codarts classical composition, RASL minor 2020-2021

“In general, I think that more students should have the opportunity to engage with these issues and with RASL. Because I feel RASL is a great environment to be in, [i]t’s very open, there’s no right and wrong, you are free to express yourself and your ideas. That makes this learning experience very meaningful and I am grateful to work in this team with great people.”