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“This minor has opened my eyes to a way broader and more intense realm of collaborating interdisciplinary. A realm of collaborating that I think will grow and become of high importance coping with the societal problems of the present and the future.”

“I learned how to

This group started out with social media and its negative effects in relation to data, algorithms, polarization and connectedness. From this, they concluded that social media algorithms influence our flows of desire. They eventually engaged with the issue of mass addiction to social media and the way it influences our ways of thinking, wanting and behaving. Through research and creative exercises, a social media detox was created to confront the mass addiction to social media. They advertised their detox on different social media platforms. The goal was to let people become acquainted with the complexity of the highly influential character of social media on democracy.

The Dopamine Democracy group consisted of 8 students, from WdKA (Advertising), Delft University (Industrial Design Engineering), Codarts (Jazz Piano and Jazz Vocals), EUR (ESHCC – IBACS, ESPhil, ESSB – Psychology, EUC – major Cultural Analysis).

Website: https://dopaminedemocracy.nl/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dopaminedemocracy/